


Login Tips

Username is not case sensitive.
Password is case sensitive.
Logging in with incorrect username and password for 5 times will disable your user account.


You are required to have authorisation from Indus Towers before you proceed and you are strictly limited to the use set out within that authorisation. Unauthorised access to or misuse of this system is prohibited and constitutes an offence.

If you disclose any information obtained through this system without authority Indus Towers may take legal action against you.

By logging in you accept the Terms & Conditions of use for this system

Indus Users Can login complaint at http://itservicedesk.industowers.com

For any ISQ related queries please contact
iSmartCubeHelpdesk@industowers.com or call on +91 1244208857,+91 1244296731

Timings - Mon to Fri: 9 am to 8 pm
Sat: 9 am to 6 pm

Refer Frequently Asked Question Document in case of any